Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) is a controlled thermal evaporation process under ultrahigh vacuum. MBE allows extremely accurate layer thickness control - ultimately within one atomic layer. To grow the layer, elements like Ga, As, Si along with the dopant, are heated in separate cells. Collimated beams of these elements are directed onto the substrate surface. The temperature of the effusion cell controls the flux density. Abrupt changes in doping and composition can be obtained by controlling shutters in front of the individual cells. Using a very slow growth rate (<1µm/h), it is possible to make composition changes on the scale of one lattice constant. The two chamber system was designed for the deposition of compound semiconductors (V80H) and group IV elements (V80M). At present the V80H is used for the growth of diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor materials like GaMnAs and GaMnN. In V80M Si/SiOx multilayer structures and epitaxial SnO2 on sapphire heterostructures are processed.
Technical data
V-80H chamber
V-80M chamber
The loading chamber (between V80H and V80M chambers) is equipped with Auger electron spectrometer for surface chemical composition inspection.
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